
The Arab Journal of Sciences and Research Publishing (AJSRP) Foundation was founded in 2015 in cooperation with the National Research Center in Palestine which found in 2003 has developed into a leading publishing group in the biomedical sciences field. We currently publish twelve journals: Journal of Educational and Psychological Sciences, Journal of Curricula and Teaching Methods, Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, Journal of Economic, Administrative and Legal Sciences, Journal of Engineering Sciences and Information Technology, Journal of Medical and Pharmaceutical Sciences, Journal of Arabic Language Sciences and Literature, Journal of Islamic Sciences, Journal of Natural, Life and Applied Sciences, Journal of Sciences Agricultural, environmental and veterinary, and the Journal of Risk and Crisis Management.

All journals published by AJSRP Foundation maintain the highest standards of quality and the members of their Editorial Boards are world-renowned scientists. The company currently employs more than 100 employees and receives high quality submissions from authors worldwide, including Arab countries, Europe, the Americas, Asia and Africa.

Our main aim is to facilitate scientific communication in a clear, concise and objective manner, while striving to provide prompt publication of original works of high quality.

The group has held more than 10 conferences in the fields of education and social and medical sciences. Our conferences are organized on an annual basis with the aim of encouraging scientific communication and clarity, and to aid the development of international collaboration between established and expanding research groups around the world.

AJSRP Foundation is a member of several industry organizations, including the EBSCO Industries, Inc. and the Publishers International Linking Association (CrossRef).

AJSRP Foundation is also a participating member in the CLOCKSS initiative. CLOCKSS will enable any library to maintain their own archive of content from AJSRP Foundation and other publishers, with minimal technical effort.

Reasons to publish with AJSRP Foundation

  • High quality in-house copyediting to ensure high standards of communication
  • Constructive and efficient peer review
  • Included in many international bibliographic databases
  • High visibility with more than 500,000 page views per month in 2021 and international readership in relevant fields of research
  • AJSRP Foundation makes articles freely available after the publication
  • Immediate open access is also available subject to an article-processing charge


Our vision

Global leadership and excellence in publishing scientific research.


Our Mission

Providing distinctive research and producing knowledge that serves the community, supporting intellectual creativity, optimal use of technology, and effective local and global partnership.


Our Values

  1. Quality and Excellence: We are committed to measuring our performance by applying high-level standards that respect great ambitions and striving towards excellence through our commitment to the highest intellectual standards in teaching, learning and innovation.
  2. Leadership and Teamwork: We are firmly committed to promoting individual and institutional leadership roles that advance social development, with its deep belief in professionalism, responsibility, creativity, and teamwork.
  3. Academic Freedom: Disciplined and honest intellectual exploration is the essence of our academic tradition, which is evident in all aspects of research and scientific activities.
  4. Justice and Integrity: We are committed to the principles of social justice, equal opportunities and cultural diversity, and everyone is committed to the highest levels of honesty, respect and professional ethics.
  5. Transparency and accountability: We are firmly committed to presenting its ideas to society and scholars to measure the amount of its contributions to global knowledge, and everyone is committed to respecting its values ​​in all scientific and academic activities.
  6. Continuous Learning: We are committed to supporting continuous learning, promoting continuous intellectual growth and sustainable community well-being.


Our Strategic goals

  1. Proficiency and distinction in all fields and excellence in specific fields.

(Achieving progress in international rankings by strengthening the entire university, and excelling in research and education in specific academic fields)


  1. Distinguished members and arbitrators.

(Attracting and developing distinguished arbitration board members and consultants)


  1. Quality, not quantity.

(Achieving the quality required for scientific research)


  1. Enhancing the capabilities of researchers and arbitrators.

(Enabling researchers and arbitrators to acquire intellectual and professional skills during their research and scientific life)


  1. Building bridges of communication.

(Building bridges of communication inside and outside the National Research Center with universities, companies, and local and international groups)

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سيتم الرد عليكم في أقرب وقت ممكن