Peer Review Policy

We have a Double blind peer review policy. Neither the author know the reviewer and nor the reviewer. The manuscript is allotted a unique ID by the editor and the cover page and all affiliations removed from the manuscript before sharing with the reviewers.

Editorial review is also done for some papers when and where necessary before submitting to external peer reviewers. Editor allocates and decides about the associate and sub editors assigned the manuscript.

A pool of experienced peer reviewers is used to select peer reviewers for each manuscript. Usually it takes 2 weeks to run a preliminary editorial check and assign reviewers. In case of need for editorial review, it takes 2 to 4 weeks’ time and then the manuscript is assigned to external peer reviewers. Peer reviewers are asked to submit their responses/report within a 2 weeks’ time and then a first reminder is issued from the assigned associate or sub-editor. After another 10 days a last reminder is issued. If the reviewer doesn’t respond then the manuscript is assigned to a new reviewer.

At least review report is needed from 2 reviewers (One must be from a foreign reviewer). Review reports are shared with the authors if major or minor changes are advised. The editor and editor-in-chief are responsible for the final decision about the fate of the manuscript.

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